Traffix Group Bike Factory

August 2023

Traffix Group launched something we believe is new in the industry.

The first part of the day was invested in our people - improving our communication, team work and leadership (everyone has a leadership role to play). Nothing new here - we agree...but wait....

Unknown to everyone apart from a select few the second part of the day saw the launch of the Traffix Group Bike Factory - building bikes for children in need. Team building with a real purpose, real outcomes, real difference.

Traffix Group plays an important part in the community through the services it delivers, however the launch of this community initiative really brought home what 'making a real difference' and 'being good humans' means and an impact far more important than any financials.

We worked with the charity Kinship Carers (they support children at risk when out of family placement is required).

It was a truly priceless experience to see the smiles on the children's faces when they walked in to pick up their bikes - and of course the Traffix Group team (who didn't know this was happening)

What the video here:

Special thanks to XL Events and NOISY POST for making the day happen.

Watch this space as we take the Traffix Group Bike Factory to another level....

(PS given the nature of the charity we have decided not to post any photos of the carers or children receiving the bikes)